The Year of The Pivot

Despite the difficulty of the past year, The Partnership has continued to succeed and not only meet our goals but surpass them.
year of the pivot

When we kicked off 2020, we did so with goals in mind. Big ones.

We wanted to grow. Grow as a team, grow our partner roster, and grow our breadth of work.

But then, March happened. Budgets were cut, events were postponed, supply chains were disrupted – you name it. So, we had to pivot. And pivot we did.

Milk On My Mind – Great Georgia Give

The past year hasn’t been easy for anyone, but dairy farmers were put in a uniquely difficult position when the dairy supply chain suffered serious disruptions. With kids out of school and restaurants operating at a much lower capacity, there was a surplus of milk with nowhere to go. Farmers were faced with having to dump their product – and that’s where we stepped in.

The Partnership created educational content about the supply chain challenges farmers were facing amid the pandemic and thus launched a huge PR effort – The Great Georgia Give.

We worked with the Department of Agriculture and Kroger to have milk donated instead of dumped, and 40,000 half gallons of milk (that’s two whole tanker truckloads) were distributed to four markets in Georgia – Savannah, Macon, Augusta and Atlanta. The milk was donated to frontline responders such as healthcare workers in hospitals, police and fire departments, and other places within the communities where people were in need.

The Great Georgia Give generated earned media impressions and buzz in the industry, all the while celebrating dairy farmers for doing something sustainable and helpful during the pandemic.

“Now, more than ever, preventing waste in the food chain is crucial. The Great Georgia Give aligns with Kroger’s Zero Hunger | Zero Waste social impact plan to end hunger and eliminate waste in our communities by connecting a great product with great heroes.” ~Tim Brown, Kroger Atlanta Division President

NCH ­­– All Heroes Wear Masks

Our partner, NCH Healthcare System, based in Naples, Florida, teamed up with the City of Naples to launch the initiative All Heroes Wear Masks. The educational initiative informed people about the benefits of wearing masks, social distancing and other public health practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Partnership kicked off the campaign by producing public service announcements featuring NCH CEO & President, Paul Hiltz, and Naples’ Mayor, Teresa Heitmann. The two also conducted Community Town Halls via Zoom, where they promoted mask-wearing and social distancing to the community as a united front. Posters and social content were created that featured members of the Naples community wearing masks and spreading the message to others to do so. Finally, a landing page was dedicated to the initiative, and TV spots were produced that communicated how easy it is to be a hero in Naples if you simply wear a mask and protect your fellow neighbor.

You can watch the TV spot we produced here.

ADAI – Hoosier Heroes

American Dairy Association of Indiana (ADAI), similar to Milk On My Mind, was no stranger to the struggles that COVID-19 presented to the dairy industry and the community of Indiana at large. They wanted to do something big. Something that recognized everyday Hoosiers while also giving back to the community.

Cue The Partnership.

We launched the Hoosier Heroes campaign that was aimed at celebrating the people of Indiana who had gone above and beyond for others and their community amid the pandemic. We received over 100 nominations across the state of individuals with inspiring stories to share.

Even better, with each nomination, partners and individuals were given the chance to donate money to help stock food banks throughout the state through Feed Indiana’s Hungry. All funds raised were used to help purchase additional dairy foods for those in need.

“American Dairy Association Indiana and its Hoosier dairy farm families are thrilled by the response to Hoosier Heroes, and the funds that it helped raise for communities and families in need during these difficult times. We celebrate the collective strength of Indiana and toast to the partners, nominees and heroes involved for their commitment to each other, knowing that now more than ever, ‘Winners Drink Milk’!” ~ Jenni Browning, ADAI CEO

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta – Hope and Will Ball

Each year, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta hosts an annual Hope & Will Ball at the St. Regis Hotel, where more than 650 guests attend; however, a public event was not an option in 2021. So, they reached out to The Partnership to create an entirely virtual experience.

Our team worked to keep the spirit of the annual event alive by producing a virtual version of the event, as well as developing the landing page where attendees could donate and experience the virtual ball.

The 2021 Hope & Will Ball was a huge success for Children’s, their sponsors, supporters and attendees.

The Year of the Pivot

Despite the difficulty of the past year, The Partnership has continued to succeed and not only meet our goals but surpass them.

We’ve grown. We’ve added more partners. We’ve done work that has made a difference in our community – all thanks to the past year of pivoting in the face of adversity.

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