
Services / Web Hosting and Maintenance

How Can I Make My Website Faster?

Updated: July 13, 2023
This is one of the most common requests we receive, and the good news is we have made improvements for every site we have serviced.
Need to Improved Uptime and Page Load Times?

Table of Contents

By: Jeremy Hill, Senior Director of Digital and Development

“How Can I Make My Website Faster?” This is one of the most common requests we receive, and the good news is we have made improvements for every site we have serviced.

Why Website Speed and Page Load Times Matter

Site visitors want to start reading and experiencing web pages as fast as possible. According to a 2018 Google study, 53% of mobile users leave a site that takes longer than three seconds to load. The numbers are even more impactful when you put those numbers in monetary terms. According to Akamai, in an e-commerce site making $100,000 per day, a 1-second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year. It is paramount that your website loads quickly.

A Lasting First Impression

In addition to people leaving your site or not completing a task or conversion, a slow website reflects poorly on your company. Many times, a potential customer will never see your office or store or meet any of the team, but they will experience your website. Bad first impressions are developed around this poor experience. Read on for a few of our recent web hosting case studies:

Case Study 1

Maryland & Virginia Milk Producers Cooperative Association (MDVA) is a dairy farmer member co-op with a membership of over 1,500 farm families. The site promotes its brand and service and also doubles as a member portal web application. an associated external database and consumer-facing instance, we consulted MDVA to move their site to our reliable, managed hosting environment. The results since the changeover at the end of February are clear.

After working to update and improve the site, we turned our attention to the speed of the website. Since it was no small undertaking to move everything, we explored all the possibilities.

We made a few changes with images and caching plugins, the real results occurred when we moved from MDVA then the current hosting company to our web hosting platform.

Page load time dropped from 0:05 to 0:01 seconds. High fives all around! You may notice the downtime before and after the move – this was due to https certificate changes and scheduled downtime for web app maintenance.

MDVA Hosting Changes

Case Study 2

Kakona – Bahamas Luxury Community is a unique, luxury island resort located in the Bahamas National Park targeted at the very high-end clientele. As the properties are developed, the Kakona web portal provides homeowners architect, designer, and contractor updates, photos, live streams of construction, and overall project status.

While the traffic is not overwhelming, it is imperative that each and every web session be as quick and efficient as possible. The web experience needs to meet the needs of those targeting multi-million dollar real estate investment. The Kakona website was hosted with GoDaddy. While GoDaddy is a reliable resource for domain registration, their reputation for hosting fast, reliable websites is not great.

Around the end of November, we moved from GoDaddy Hosting to our web hosting. The results are significant. Page load times went from taking 0:02 to about 0:0075 seconds.

In addition to the increasing speeds and decreasing page load times, the server has excellent uptime, consistent speeds, creating an extremely reliable user experience.

Kakona Website

Case Study 3

Regency Properties manages nearly 7 million square feet of commercial properties across 19 states. The Regency website provides a property portal, tenant information, as well as company news and notes. The Regency Properties website receives a large continuous amount of traffic as well serves thousands of pages of content and real estate information.

Due to existing technical requirements, Regency Properties had to remain with their existing host. With this condition in place, we set out testing and optimizing caching systems and plugins, CSS and Javascript combination and reduction.

After our testing and optimizing we reduced the page load times from 3 seconds to 0.6 seconds all while keeping the hosting on the same platform.

Due to company and website updates, we needed to keep the website speed improvements disabled for part of December. You can see how the page load times dramatically increased with the enhancements turned off and then the performance returns when the enhancements are enabled.

Regency Properties Web Hosting

Additional Reasons for Needing Fast Loading Pages

Improved User Experience (UX)

As mentioned, page load time is a vital component of UX. Long page load times often result in visitors bouncing to a different site or abandoning their search completely. Because there is no shortage of sites with great UX, it’s crucial to get yours right.

Better Search Visibility

Because hosting affects the speed at which your site loads – and search engines take load times into account – hosting is a critical factor for your rankings. Reliable hosting also maximizes site uptime, another important SEO ranking element.

Increased Conversion

The importance of site speed cannot be overstated when it comes to e-commerce. According to Kissmetrics, 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less. More importantly, 40% abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. That 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.

Next Steps

We will continue to keep up with the latest code enhancements, security fixes and trends in the industry.

If you are thinking your website could be faster, it most likely can be. We are happy to evaluate page speed and website load times, the health of your website and its hosting environment. An initial audit can provide enough insights to spot and diagnose any key issues. Quite often, a few basic configuration changes can yield significant results – and ultimately make your website and business more profitable.

Contact us today to schedule a site audit!

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Rhea Zigmund

Rhea Zigmund brings experience helping organizations advance business objectives through strategic communications marketing.

She leads the delivery of integrated programs and projects, including strategy, planning, research, creative, internal and external communications, earned media, paid media, social media, celebrity and influencer partnerships, events and experiences, and measurement.

Prior to joining The Partnership, Rhea was Vice President at Edelman where she specialized in Healthcare and Business Transformation. She led large-scale communications marketing programs for national health organizations. She also supported partners through change and transformation, such as mergers and acquisitions, rebrands, repositionings, restructurings, and workforce challenges.

Rhea holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Georgia State University with a specialization in organizational management. She is a Prosci® Certified Change Practitioner. Originally from Kentucky, Rhea earned her Bachelor of Science in Integrated Strategic Communications from the University of Kentucky.

Living in Atlanta, GA with her husband and two dogs, Rhea spends her spare time exploring the city and working with her local foster care community.

Jeremy Hill

Over the past 20 years, I’ve specialized in digital innovation within healthcare marketing, leading efforts to enhance web development and UX/UI design. My career highlights include spearheading significant projects such as the redevelopment and replatforming of the Naples Comprehensive Health (NCH) website—a six-month initiative involving a dynamic team of 16 professionals. Additionally, I managed the digital aspects of fundraising campaigns for the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Foundation and tackled crisis communications during hacking incidents at Northside Hospital.

I guide my teams with a philosophy centered on trust and transparency, creating an environment that encourages autonomy and bold ideas. This approach has been crucial in navigating the complex challenges of the healthcare sector and driving digital transformations that improve patient engagement and operational efficiency. As a storyteller and strategist, I am committed to leading digital service transformations and optimizing web experiences to foster growth and enhance user journeys in the healthcare industry.

Sela Missirian

Sela is a strategic brand marketer who helps brands grow through modern forms of engagement. With deep digital roots at multiple tech startups, international assignments and significant consulting expertise, she develops solution-based marketing strategies for clients to achieve their business goals.
Sela’s healthcare work spans pharmaceuticals Allergan and Pfizer, healthcare systems NCH, Piedmont Healthcare and Southwell, specialty group Dentistry for Children and medical device Kinas Medical Technologies. Other industry work includes Citrix, SAP, Voya Financial, Chick-fil-A, The Dairy Alliance and Equifax.
Sela graduated with a Bachelors in Science from Cornell University and is a regular marketing lecturer at GA Tech’s Scheller College of Business Executive MBA program. 

Julie Crow

Julie Crow, SVP of Partner Services and Program Management, oversees partner relationships, including managing current partner relationships and workflows, new partner onboarding and discovery, strategic leadership of projects, operations and program management. Julie oversees the account management and project management teams.
Julie has spent her entire career as a brand strategist and marketer with leadership experience in many categories including consumer products, beauty, entertainment, wellness and non-profit.
She started her career in New York City at Colgate Palmolive and Estee Lauder, managing marketing and advertising for a variety of their signature brands. After moving to Atlanta, Julie spent her first decade working for Turner Broadcasting (now Warner Discovery) leading marketing for networks such as TBS, TNT,and Turner South. Following her Turner days, Julie ran her own marketing consulting business, focusing on brand development and marketing strategy for clients across diverse categories. Before joining The Partnership, Julie ran marketing and communications for a private high school in Atlanta and led a large economic development client team for another marketing agency.
Julie is also a certified health coach and wellness advocate and has dedicated time over the past decade to helping companies and families build programs and habits for good nutrition and healthy living.

Alex Loehrer

Bio coming soon.

Amanda Lucey

Amanda has been a communications leader, providing strategic public relations, branding and corporate communications for over 20 years. She’s the CEO of The Partnership, Atlanta’s oldest privately held agency, and an accomplished entrepreneur, having first founded Moxie Media and Marketing in 2012 (DBA M3 Effect).

The company grew tremendously within its first five years, doubling growth in 2017. To accelerate growth in 2018, Amanda acquired The Partnership in 2018. Her goal? To make The Partnership one of the fastest-growing female-owned agencies in the Southeast and a top-10 advertising agency in Atlanta and Southwest Florida. Her passion is to engage and empower her team to produce the best possible product – work that makes an impact and drives results.

She has held executive roles in both the U.K. and U.S. governments, as well as the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association. She was the Vice Consul, Head of Political, Press and Public Affairs for the British Consulate General, in which she managed all media relations strategies and delivered the UK’s policy and public diplomacy priorities. She also served as a media correspondent and director of communications for the U.S. government and has extensive public affairs experience. Prior to working in D.C., Amanda worked for the Georgia General Assembly House of Representatives.

Amanda is an accomplished public speaker, business owner and volunteer. Her motto: be hungry, keep hustling, and stay humble.